Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Punk Magazine


Punk was a fanzine created by cartoonist John Holmstrom, publisher Ged Dunn and "resident punk" Legs McNeil. They published a total of 17 issues between 1976 and 1979. Covers featured such artists as Lou Reed, Patti Smith and Blondie. The magazine staff went through many changes during those years, as a result Ged Dunn left in early 1977 and Legs quit shortly afterwards.

Punk was a vehicle for discussing and examining the underground music scene in New York, primarily what would be called punk rock. The music was exemplified by bands and performers like Wayne County which were featured in clubs like Max's Kansas City and CBGB. It mixed Mad Magazine-style cartooning with the more straightforward pop journalism of the kind found in Creem.

In 2001 Punk was re-launched, but the events on 9/11 set back the plans for a relaunch. In 2006 the magazine was revived, and current issues are still being published.


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